
The Fernwehge-Picture-Gallery

  • South Africa
    Number of images: 106
    Directory: 2009_19_Suedafrika
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Malawi
    Number of images: 15
    Directory: 2009_18_Malawi
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Tanzania
    Number of images: 184
    Directory: 2009_17_Tansania
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Rwanda
    Number of images: 44
    Directory: 2009_16_Ruanda
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Uganda
    To visit sisters and brothers of Kolping Uganda.
    Number of images: 155
    Directory: 2009_15_Uganda
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Kenya
    The long wait sweetened by incredible flora and fauna. Nairobi - love or hate?
    Number of images: 202
    Directory: 2009_14_Kenia
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Ethiopia
    The roof of africa.
    Number of images: 152
    Directory: 2009_13_Aethiopien
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Sudan
    Expanses of the Nubian desert traversed by green belt of the Nile.
    Number of images: 99
    Directory: 2009_12_Sudan
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Egypt - Part 2
    Country of the Pharaonen. The Green Nile belt and hot wide deserts.
    Number of images: 194
    Directory: 2009_11_Aegypten_Teil_2
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Cairo
    Metropolis on the Nil an "Paris of the middle East"
    Number of images: 171
    Directory: 2009_10_Kairo
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Egypt
    Country of the Pharaonen. The Green Nile belt and hot wide deserts.
    Number of images: 81
    Directory: 2009_09_Aegypten
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Jordan
    Visiting the lowest point on earth and in the footsteps of bygone cultures.
    Number of images: 103
    Directory: 2009_08_Jordanien
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Lebanon
    A country in transition from war zone to a modern, Western-style society.
    Number of images: 84
    Directory: 2009_07_Libanon
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Syria
    In the Orient in the footsteps of the oldest cities in the world.
    Number of images: 112
    Directory: 2009_06_Syrien
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Turkey
    A land of rugged mountains and broad plains. Inhabited by charming people who have always time for a Chay.
    Number of images: 245
    Directory: 2009_05_Tuerkei
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Istanbul - the gateway to the Orient
    You can never plan enough time for this stunning city. Here are just some impressions.
    Number of images: 58
    Directory: 2009_04_Istanbul_-_Tor_zum_Orient
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • On the way through Central and Eastern Europe
    Number of images: 122
    Directory: 2009_03_Mittel-_und_Osteuropa
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Start of the Fernwehge-Journey from our local kids-festival in Mülheim-Heimaterde
    On the 6th september Helge and Stephan start their trip from the festival in their hometown just after leading the procession.
    Number of images: 43
    Directory: 2009_02_Abschied_auf_dem_Kinderfest
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Since Addis Ababa I have a new travelbuddy. The "Schmusebrötchen" (cuddly bagle) from the baker Peter had started as an escort for my new tires the arduous journey from Germany to Ethiopia. From now on he will be in pole position to travel with my motorcycle and let us share his adventures.
    Number of images: 30
    Directory: 2009_01a_Mr_Bready_auf_Reisen
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • A traveler in different situations
    Number of images: 241
    Directory: 2009_01_Stephan_auf_Reisen
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Riders for Africa - Spring 2009
    Pictures of the Charity Challenge to Banjul (Gambia).
    4 persons from the Ruhrpott riding 2 KTM LC4 and a VW T4 bus on their way through the Sahara.
    Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia. Crossing the borders of these countries, waiting for hours at the checkpoint, are the least of our problems.
    Number of images: 143
    Directory: 2009_00__Riders_for_Africa
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Tunisia 2008
    2 weeks "On-Road". German road-works are comparily smooth.
    Number of images: 283
    Directory: 2008_Tunesien
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • Croatia 2006
    Stephan alone with the bike on the road to the Kvarner bay and the islands Chres and Losinj in Croatia. A 2-week escape from the hustle and the bad weather at home. With the BMW F650 GS Dakar via Zwiesel in the Bavarian Forest, St. Wolfgang, the Obertauernsee way down in Pula. Lonely roads on the border between Italy and Slovenia. Off-road on the island Chres. Lots of wind, but also a lot of sun while hiking on Losinj.
    Number of images: 78
    Directory: 2006_Kroatien
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01
  • trans ITALIA 05
    2 weeks in March 2005 with the bike through Italy. From Bolzano on the Garda to Verona. Skip over Siena to Rome. Now, along the west coast and Pompei. A crossing to the east coast. Back to the north. Visited the monastery Laverne, stayed in the beautiful city of Urbino. Venice in the spring without a lot of tourist hype. And finally back to the auto train to Bolzano.
    Number of images: 300
    Directory: 2005_transITALIA
    Date: 14.01.2016 17:01